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Star Studded Movie Premieres & After Parties

Star Studded Movie Premieres & After Parties

Have you ever wanted to go to a Star-Studded Movie Premiere? Now you can...
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VENUE: Los Angeles, NYC, sometimes London,Europe
LOCATION: London, Los Angeles, New York
PRICE: Please email or call for details


The only thing better than a red-carpet VIP pass to a major Hollywood movie is two of the same. That’s usually how we sell them, but if you only need one ticket, we can work on that for you, by request only. We’ve been doing this for quite some time, and we know where to find the tickets to the very best world premieres on the face of the earth–including Los Angeles, which is sort of a planet of its own, if you know what I mean.

At VIP Concierge, we’re probably a lot like you, except for our differences. We love movies like you love movies. And we like excitement like you do. And, let us tell you that there are few things more exciting in a good way that aren’t illegal than a big-time Hollywood premiere.–or a small one for that matter. VIP red-carpet access puts you right there among the stars. And, when we can get them, we can hook you up with tickets to the after-parties where everyone goes to celebrate the completion and release of their film.

You don’t get to be a VIP by just announcing that you are one. You have to earn that distinction, and we have. Our clients continuously get what they want and even more. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

When you think about it, we’re like your passport to all-things exciting. We don’t even ask for a photo. But we do ask that you let us know what movie premiere you want to attend. We’ll find out all the details for you, and we’ll see if we can’t find VIP red-carpet tickets for you and your significant other or your entire crew. If we can’t find the tickets you want, then nobody else can either.

Give us a call. Send an email. Contact us any way you can. Just remember, we’ll only do this for you and only if you ask us to help you. By the way, we also have tickets to award show parties and other intoxicating events.