Change Is Coming to the 2019 CMA Awards
The Inside Scoop on the 2019 CMA Awards
The CMA Awards are coming, and they’re coming with a whole bunch of changes. Marc Bolan said it best in his song Dandy In the Underworld, when he sang “Change is a monster, and changing is hard.”

Another fine comment on change is “Most people are unwilling to give up the comfort they have for the greater comfort they seek.”
Here at VIP Concierge, you not only get the fast track for great tickets to the coolest events, we also throw a little poetry and philosophy into the bargain.
Destination: Nashville, Tennessee
So why are we talking about change when we should be talking about the 2019 CMA Awards in the honky tonk heaven that is known affectionately to insiders as Nash Vegas, but the rest of the free world calls it Music City, or in some cases Nashville, Tennessee.

And why would our attentions be focused on Music City? Well, Tennessee just legalized marijuana. Psych!! Just kidding. Hopefully soon.
No, the reason we’re talking about change is that the CMAs have gone against their very own grain and kicked Brad Paisley to the curb.
New Hosts Take Center Stage
That’s right. For the first time in 11 years, Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood won’t be the co-hosts of the CMAs.

That’s because Carrie has two new co-hosts–Reba McEntire and Dolly Parton. It’s like the 9 to 5 stars or the First Wife Club but in real-life…. with stage names and plastic surgery (look up Dolly’s “shock and awe!”) and. . . . Well, it’s as real as life gets in this business they call music.
Paisley, ever the team player, said he wasn’t bothered by losing his long-standing gig. “I’m surprised they didn’t do it sooner,” he lamented. How refreshing! What honesty! You GO boy.
Oooh. I got you twice. He didn’t really say that, but he might have thought it.

No, in fact he said, “As a fan of all 3 of these amazing women, I can’t wait to watch.” I would have believed him sooner if he had said, “Great. I’m going to Hawaii to hang out with Willie Nelson.”
So, country fans will be adapting to the change just like Mr. Paisley. It seems like a pretty good trade, this two for one. And Dolly and Reba are both veteran public speakers who have been known for their comic timing and bombastic personalities, so the CMA Awards will lose neither luminescence nor spontaneity.
The show will be in very competent hands.
All About the New Hosts
These ladies collectively have 124 CMA Awards nominations and 22 wins, 11 of which are for Female Vocalist of the Year.
They have also been nominated for Entertainer of the Year 14 times between them. Dolly won that award in 1978, and Reba won hers in 1986.

One thing that hasn’t changed is our commitment to our members. We don’t just sell tickets. We sell an experience that is VIP all the way from the red carpet before the show to the exclusive after parties. And we sell it with poetry, philosophy and sprinkles on top.
Award show veterans know how awesome these events are. Check out our various ticket packages to see which one is the best fit for your needs.
Then make your move, and snap them up. Our tickets to the 53rd CMAs on November 13 at the Bridgestone Arena will be sold out soon, so don’t miss out, or you’ll be as sad as a dog who can’t find his tail.